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Bridging the gap - synergies between art history and conservation

Nasjonalmuseet har gleden av å annonsere konserveringskonferansen: Bridging the gap - synergies between art history and conservation, som avholdes i Oslo den 23. og 24. november 2023. Konferansen er et samarbeid med Universitetet i Oslo, Universitetet i Amsterdam og the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.

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Bridging the gap – synergies between art history and conservation aims to bring forth new research in conservation and conservation science by highlighting the benefits of multidisciplinarity. The scientific committee invites conservators, art historians, educators and heritage scientists alike to present research from collaborative projects that aid our understanding, interpretation and dissemination of art, architecture and design. We envision a three-session program. 

Session 1: Conservation narratives and practices

Session 2: Material practices, reconstructions and archival research

Session 3: Material changes



Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2